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  Messages Across Time

L., age 18 of NJ left this Message at 7:00 P.M. on 9/12/18
Och! I've just returned from 1338 Scotland! Unfortunately, I was caught up in a siege and trapped in a castle, which means I didn't have the chance to send you a postcard. The English attacked us with everything! They even used a variety of smelly cheeses flung from a catapult, which I thought was most unfair. Of course, we defended ourselves by telling them they had the wrong castle, and could they stop. We eventually gained the upper hand by yelling Scottish insults at them. Let's face it, calling someone a dandiprat is bound to break their spirit. Long story short, we won! They stopped attacking! Of course, then I had to stay longer to help prepare for the post-siege sale ("everything must go"). (*sigh*) A time traveler's work is never done. Catch ya later!

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Lady Agnes Randolph

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