NAPOLEON, 1815 Able Was I Ere I Saw Elba
MEDIEVAL SCOTLAND, 1338 Plaid to the Bone
OTTOMAN EMPIRE, 1540 Harem Scare'em
AMELIA EARHART, 1937 The High and the Flighty
SOUTH POLE, 1911 Break an Egg
LEONARDO DA VINCI, 1503 Breaking the Codex
FRANKENSTEIN, 1816 Nightmare on Joe's Street
NEANDERTHALS, Prehistoric The Caveman Catastrophe
PETER THE GREAT, 1698 What's So Great About Peter?
CHINA, A.D. 621 Wushu Were Here
ANCIENT OLYMPICS, 404 B.C. My Big Fat Greek Olympics
INDIA, A.D. 720 Dude, Where's My Karma?
EASTER ISLAND, 1765 Birdman or Birdbrain?
COLONIAL AFRICA, 1624 Jinga All the Way
ANCIENT BABYLON, 580 B.C. The Seven Blunders of the World
OLD WEST, 1868 The Good, the Bad, and the Goofy
THE MAYA, A.D. 960 Me Oh Maya
INVENTORS, 1877 Hey Kid, Want to Buy a Bridge?
VIKINGS, 1001 Viking It and Liking It
LEWIS AND CLARK, 1805 Lewis and Clark...
GLADIATORS, A.D. 120 See You Later, Gladiator!
SAMURAI, 1618 Sam Samurai
ANCIENT EGYPT, 1500 B.C. Tut Tut
GENGHIS KHAN, 1170 You Can't, but Genghis Khan
THE FUTURE, 2105 2105
PIRATES, 1718 The Not-So-Jolly Roger
Only the green mists of time can reveal exactly what is coming soon.
Stay tuned...