Born 1672 — Died 1725.
Also known as:
Peter Alexeyevich Romanov; Tsar; Peter the Great, Father of His Country, Emperor of All the Russias.
Not to be confused with:
Peter Rabbit, Peter Piper, Peter Pan, Peter Parker, or Peter the "Pretty Good, but Nothing to Write Home About, If You Ask Me."
Claim to fame:
Modernized Russia.
Claim to infamy:
Over 30,000 serfs died building St. Petersburg for him.
Typical story if on 10:00 News:
"With word that Peter the Great — the six-foot, seven-inch Russian Tsar — disguised himself to travel Europe and learn about everything from microscopes to shipbuilding, we stop to ask ourselves: did no one notice a six-foot, seven-inch Russian guy wandering around collecting things? What's up with that?"
Likely to say:
"I want my Russian Empire, and I want it now!"
Unlikely to say:
"Do you think this outfit makes me look too tall?"
Favorite ice cream:
Borscht Bonanza.