About 1500 B.C.
Also known as:
The Pharaoh of Egypt; Thutmose III; The Napoleon of Egypt.
Not known as:
Tutankhamen. That was another dude about 200 years later.
Claim to fame:
He became Pharaoh as a kid, although his step-mom ruled 21 years until she died.
Family life:
Thutmose's real mom was a woman from the royal court. His dad had married his own half-sister. That means his step-mom was also his aunt. Thutmose married his step-mom's daughter who was also his half-sister and his first cousin. Did you get that?
Likely to say:
"I decide who lives and who dies."
"I could have you killed just like that!"
"Excuse me, do you have any birthday cards for a mom who is also an aunt from a husband and wife who is also a cousin and a sister?
Unlikely to say:
"Your half-sister isn't half cute. Is there half a chance she has another half-sister?"
Spoils of war:
His successful military campaigns brought him everything from great wealth to a large rhinoceros.
Favorite ice cream:
Two scoops: half vanilla, half pistachio.